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Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Sea Otter Forage Data, 1993-2019


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Kloecker, K. A., Esslinger, G.G., Monson, D.H., 2024. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve sea otter forage data, 1993-2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


These data describe observations of sea otter foraging behavior in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Data consist of dive and surface times, success in prey retrieval, prey item, prey quantity, and size. Additionally, location of observations, and age class, sex, and pup status of the focal sea otter were also recorded.


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The purpose of these data was to allow comparison of a set of sea otter forage data metrics across time and geographic location. Metrics include: foraging success rate, composition of prey, mean size and/or size frequency distribution of common prey, number of prey items per dive, and energy intake rate. Comparisons include metrics from one location over time or from one time across locations.

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