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Magnetotelluric Data from the San Andreas Fault, Loma Prieta CA, 1989-1990; Station mt03


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Rodriguez, B.D., Brown, P.J., Johnson, M.R., McClees-Funinan, R., Powell, A.S., and Enns, K.D., 2022, Magnetotelluric Data from the San Andreas Fault, Loma Prieta CA, 1989-1990: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center (GGGSC) collaborated with the USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) team to preserve and release a subset of magnetotelluric data from the San Andreas Fault in Loma Prieta, California. The San Andreas Fault data were collected by the Branch of Geophysics, a precursor to the now GGGSC, between 1989 and 1994. The magnetotelluric data selected for this preservation project were collected in 1989 and 1990 using USGS portable truck mounted systems that measure the distribution of electrical conductivity beneath the surface of the earth. Truck mounted systems of this era output data to 3.5” discs, from which data were recovered and transformed to binary [...]


Attached Files

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USA-California-San_Andreas_Fault-Loma_Prieta-1989-MT03-CP_Low_02.edi 17.08 KB text/plain
USA-California-San_Andreas_Fault-Loma_Prieta-1989-MT03-CP_Low_01.edi 17.08 KB text/plain
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USA-California-San_Andreas_Fault-Loma_Prieta-1989-MT03-TS_Low_1.edi 70.97 KB text/plain
USA-California-San_Andreas_Fault-Loma_Prieta-1989-MT03-TS_Low_2.edi 70.97 KB text/plain
Loma_Prieta_1989_Data_Quality_site-03.csv 5.76 KB text/csv
Loma_Prieta_1989_site-03_Config.jpg thumbnail 1.27 MB image/jpeg
Loma_Prieta_1989_site-03_Log_page-1.jpg thumbnail 1 MB image/jpeg
Loma_Prieta_1989_site-03_Log_page-2.jpg thumbnail 1.27 MB image/jpeg


The magnetotelluric data that were previously locked in an inaccessible format are now readily available as a result of open-source software. The released information could help increase understanding of the San Andreas Fault system, which runs the length of California, as well as fault systems elsewhere. Seismic activity can pose potential hazards and great risk to communities in surrounding areas. Using the framework developed in this preservation effort to make more magnetotelluric data available will deepen our knowledge of fault systems and in turn benefit public welfare.

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