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Assembly of satellite-based rainfall datasets in situ data and rainfall climatology contours for the MENA region


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Kagone, S., Velpuri, N.M., and Senay, G.B., 2021, Assembly of satellite-based rainfall datasets in situ data and rainfall climatology contours for the MENA region: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Information on the spatio-temporal distribution of rainfall is very critical for addressing water related disasters, especially in the arid to semi-arid regions of the Middle East and North Africa region. However, availability of reliable rainfall datasets for the region is limited. In this study we combined observation from satellite-based rainfall data, in situ rain gauge observation and rainfall climatology to create a reliable regional rainfall dataset for Jordan, West Bank and Lebanon. First, we validated three satellite-based rainfall products using rain gauge observations obtained from Jordan (205 stations), Palestine (44 stations) and Lebanon (8 stations). We used the daily 25-km Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission over 2000 [...]


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“annual precipitation”
3.23 MB application/zip
“daily precipitation and bias raster”
147.37 MB application/zip


This dataset was created to provide a reliable regional rainfall dataset for Jordan, West Bank and Lebanon based on observations from satellite-based rainfall data, in situ rain gauge observations and rainfall climatology, to better understand the spatio-temporal distribution of rainfall, model stream flow in the region and identify regions for aquifer recharge.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P971ZVHF

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