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Connecting Ecosystems from Mountains to the Sea in a Changing Climate

Principal Investigator
Yinphan Tsang


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Freshwater is a critical driver for island ecosystems. In Hawaiʻi, though rainfall intensity has increased, total rainfall has been on the decline for the last two decades and, as a result, streamflow has also been reduced. The changes in dynamic patterns of streamflow could result in impacts to river, estuarine, and coastal habitats. In turn, these changes also affect the nine native Hawaiian aquatic species found in these habitats at different stages of their amphidromous life cycle (in which they migrate from fresh to salt water or vice versa). To examine how changes in streamflow regime have impacted habitat quality for native migratory aquatic species, an ongoing project has been examining statewide long-term stream records [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Yinphan Tsang
Co-Investigator :
Darren Lerner
Cooperator/Partner :
Abigail J Lynch, Gordon Smith, Ayron M Strauch, Glenn R Higashi
Funding Agency :
Pacific Islands CASC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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CampbellRefuge Wetlands_Oahu_2017_DanPolhemus.jpg
“Campbell Refuge Wetlands in Oahu; Dan Polhemus”
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Project Extension


Campbell Refuge Wetlands in Oahu; Dan Polhemus
Campbell Refuge Wetlands in Oahu; Dan Polhemus


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ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Pacific Islands CASC



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