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Chemical and biological data from acute and chronic exposure to sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate for several freshwater organisms in water-only bioassays


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Dorman, R.A., Ivey, C.D., Soucek, D.J., Kunz, B.K., and Wang, N., 2020, Chemical and biological data from acute and chronic exposure to sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate for several freshwater organisms in water-only bioassays: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The responses (survival, growth, and/or reproduction) of test organisms in six concentrations of toxicants in several test waters with different water quality characteristics. In addition to the individual biological data, chemical, and water quality measurements from each toxicity test are also reported. Test organisms include unionid mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea, Villosa iris), a midge (Chironomus dilutus), fish (rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas), 2 amphibians (Hyla versicolor, Lithobates sylvaticus), and an amphipod (Hyalella azteca).


Attached Files

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Concentration of major ions in chronic exposure bioassays.txt 13.43 KB text/plain
Growth of test organisms in chronic exposure bioassays.txt 14.66 KB text/plain
Hyalella azteca reproduction in 42 day sulfate exposure bioassays conducted in 2015.txt 609 Bytes text/plain
Hyla versicolor development and growth in chronic nitrate exposure bioassays conducted in 2010.txt 6.18 KB text/plain
Hyla versicolor metamorphosis in 52 day nitrate exposure bioassays conducted in 2010.txt 685 Bytes text/plain
Length of fish used as test organisms in chronic exposure bioassays.txt 40.93 KB text/plain
Measured concentration of toxicant in acute and chronic exposure bioassays.txt 27.41 KB text/plain
Survival of test orgamisms in exposure bioassay.txt 25.15 KB text/plain
Water chemistry characteristics of test waters.txt 180.25 KB text/plain


Elevated nitrate (NO3) and sulfate (SO4) in surface water are a global concern and studies are needed to generate toxicity data to develop environmental guideline values for NO3 and SO4. This study was designed to fill existing gaps in toxicity databases by determining the acute and/or chronic toxicity of NO3 (tested as NaNO3) and SO4 (tested as Na2SO4) to a variety of test organisms. The data were used to evaluate the toxicity of the toxicants to aquatic organisms and to evaluate the influence of background water quality on the toxicity. These results will be used to develop or update national water quality criteria and state water quality standards.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9V2O84R

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