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Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska


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2014-09-02 09:59:00


Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys,


The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) uses an informal set of names for about 140 'volcanoes.' Some names refer to large, complex volcanic centers, while others indicate only a specific cone. This publication expands the list of 140 named volcanoes to include all volcanic vents where magma has reached the surface over the past 2.6 million years. This database of all known (published, or unpublished with permission) Quaternary volcanic vents was developed to better describe the nature and character of Quaternary volcanism in Alaska and specifically to aid in the discussion of spatial and temporal patterns of Alaska volcanism. This list is a preliminary starting point, and we hope that it is updated and expanded by the addition of newly [...]


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The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) uses an informal set of names for about 140 'volcanoes'. Some names refer to large, complex volcanic centers, while others indicate only a specific cone. This publication expands the list of 140 volcanoes to include all volcanic vents where magma has reached the surface over the past 2.6 million years, and currently comprises 1,187 entries. This database of all known (published, or unpublished with permission) Quaternary volcanic vents was developed to better describe the nature and character of Quaternary volcanism in Alaska and specifically to aid in the discussion of spatial and temporal patterns of Alaska volcanism. This list is a preliminary starting point, and we hope that it is updated and expanded by the addition of newly discovered subaerial and submarine vents. We invite the community of volcanologists who study Alaska volcanism to help us develop this database by adding new vents as they are discovered and by improving the geologic descriptions of known vents as new information becomes available.

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