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Feasibility Analysis Report: Extensive mapping of Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska coastal change by Landsat time series analysis, 1972–2013


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LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Christopher Swingley(Author), 2013-05-01(Publication), Feasibility Analysis Report: Extensive mapping of Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska coastal change by Landsat time series analysis, 1972–2013,,


This project resulted in an extensive mapping of coastal change along the entire coastline of the Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). The work provides important baseline information on the distribution and magnitude of landscape changes over the past 41 years. The extent of change to the coastline and to coastal features, such as spits, barrier islands, estuaries, tidal guts and lagoons, was known to be substantial in some areas along the coast (e.g., portions of the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta), although the extent of change along the full Bering Sea coast was not well documented. With this analysis, changes can be summarized for different land ownerships or other units to assess the extent of recent habitat loss. [...]


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Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Data Owner)


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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