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An examination of the effect of aerosolized Permanone insecticide on zebra finch susceptibility to West Nile virus: Data


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Hofmeister, E.K., Jankowski, M.D., and Moore, M.E., 2017, An examination of the effect of aerosolized Permanone insecticide on zebra finch susceptibility to West Nile virus: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Following building an aerosol exposure chamber in which we could expose domesticated zebra finches, we examined the effects of exposure to aerosolized Permanone® 30:30 insecticide (permethrin and piperonyl butoxide in soy oil vehicle) at ~103-106 x potential environmental concentrations on the response to experimental challenge with West Nile virus (WNV). Compared to vehicle control birds, WNV outcome was unchanged (65% of birds produced a viremia) in the ‘low’ exposure (9.52 mg/m3±3.13 SD permethrin) group, but reduced in the ‘high’ exposure (mean 376.5 mg/m3±27.9 SD permethrin) group (30% were viremic) (p < 0.05). After clearing WNV infection, birds treated with Permanone regained less body mass than vehicle treated birds (p < 0.001). [...]


Point of Contact :
Erik K Hofmeister
Originator :
Erik K Hofmeister, Mark D Jankowski, Murray Moore
Metadata Contact :
Erik K Hofmeister
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
SDC Data Owner :
National Wildlife Health Center

Attached Files

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droplet particle size passed by cyclone.csv 771 Bytes text/csv
Final serum PRNT titers.csv 233 Bytes text/csv
Plume decay 0_3LPM.csv 3.03 KB text/csv
RTAUs_3.csv 40.04 KB text/csv
RTAUs_4.csv 3.15 KB text/csv
Table 2 data.csv 14.9 KB text/csv
ZF AU Curve_80_2.csv 343 Bytes text/csv
ZFWtDeltas_11_3_15_2.csv 5.22 KB text/csv


(1) Data was collected on soy oil particle size permitted to pass through a cyclone in a stream of compressed air and (2) data was collected on the time during which a “cloud” of particles dissipated in a after being introduced to a density of 150 mg/m3 into a exposure chamber measuring 100 cm (long) x 55 cm (wide) x 55 cm (height) (volume = 0.3 m3 or 302 L), and that was constructed of plexiglass. (3) Data was collected on the amount of virus, as quantitated by RT-PCR in the serum of birds following exposure to Permanone and then challenge with WNV. (4) Data was collected on the relative concentration of antibodies, as quantitated by EIA in the serum of birds following exposure to Permanone and then challenge with WNV. (5) Data was collected on the birds’ daily mass following exposure to Permanone and then challenge with WNV.


  • National Wildlife Health Center



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7TM78KV

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