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Prioritization and Conservation Status of Rare Plants in the North Atlantic - Final Report

Final Report


2017-10-26 18:41:29
Last Update
2017-10-26 18:56:30
Last Revision
2017-09-17 19:20:34


Anne Frances(Principal Investigator), North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2017-10-26(creation), 2017-10-26(lastUpdate), 2017-09-17(lastRevision), Prioritization and Conservation Status of Rare Plants in the North Atlantic - Final Report


The North Atlantic Region of the United States and Canada boasts diverse habitats, from coasts to mountains, that support endemic and rare plant species. However, recent conservation actions and prioritization efforts in this region have neglected to include plants. We conducted a broad-scale conservation assessment for vascular plants that occur in the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NALCC). The primary outcome is a prioritized list of rare, highly threatened, declining, or sensitive plant species identified for conservation action. In close collaboration with Natural Heritage Botanists and other partners, we developed a list of vascular plant taxa of conservation concern for the region. We used the best available [...]


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md_metadata.json 74.19 KB application/json
NALCC 2015-7 final Copy of NatureServe Rare Plant Final Deliverable.xlsx
“Rare Plants Prioritization spreadsheet”
311.57 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
NatureServe Rare Plant Prioritization North Atlantic LCC Final Report -revised DEC 2017.pdf
“NatureServe Final Report”
805.11 KB application/pdf


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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LCC Project ID NALCC_2015_07

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