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Urban Monarch Template Tools


2017-10-11 21:36:29
Last Update
2017-10-11 21:36:29


Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Abigail Derby Lewis(Principal Investigator), Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Cooperator/Partner), Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Cooperator/Partner), Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Cooperator/Partner), The Field Museum(Cooperator/Partner), Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers LCC data manager(Point of Contact), LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), 2017-10-11(creation), 2017-10-11(lastUpdate), Urban Monarch Template Tools


Monarch butterfly and other pollinators are in trouble. Monarch butterfly habitat— including milkweed host plants and nectar food sources—has declined drastically throughout most of the United States. Observed overwinter population levels have also exhibited a long-term downward trend, suggesting a strong relationship between habitat loss and monarch population declines. Preliminary research results from a U.S. Geological Survey led effort indicate that we need a comprehensive conservation strategy that includes all land types in order to stabilize monarch populations at levels necessary to adequately minimize extinction risk—urban areas will likely play a critical role. A Landscape Conservation Design (LCD) tool templates to produce [...]


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  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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