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Numerical simulation of seismicity due to fluid injection in a brittle poroelastic medium


Maillot, B, Nielsen, S, and Main, I, Numerical simulation of seismicity due to fluid injection in a brittle poroelastic medium: .


It has recently been shown that rather small perturbations in effective stress due to fluid injection or withdrawal may trigger microseismic events. Such events, typically in the magnitude range below magnitude 4 M-L, have similar characteristics to normal tectonic earthquakes, with double-couple focal mechanisms implying a dominant shear motion at the source. In this paper we examine the nature of this mechanical fluid-rock interaction for the case of fluid injection in a hydrocarbon reservoir. Our model is based on the combination of a model of seismicity in dry rocks and a model of pore fluid pressure diffusion. The former involves a finite difference approximation of the equation of motion, and the latter follows;a lattice Boltzmann [...]


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  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis



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