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Hydrogeochemical and Microbiological Investigations of Radionuclides, Nutrients, and Environmental Contaminants


Uranium mill tailings and related forms of low-level radioactive waste contain elevated contents of naturally occurring radionuclides that have been brought to the surface, processed for the recovery of uranium and/or other components and then disposed of in near-surface impoundments. The long-term fate of the tailings and their constituents will be determined by surficial earth processes. Project objectives are to study the chemical form in which radionuclides and selected stable elements are retained in surficial earth materials, particularly uranium mill tailings, and to identify processes operating in natural aqueous and terrestrial systems that may influence the transport of these constituents from these earth materials. Microbes [...]

Child Items (88)


Contact :
Office of the Chief Scientist for Water
Principal Investigator :
Edward R. Landa

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Hydrogeochemical and Microbiological Investigations of Radionuclides, Nutrients, and Environmental Contaminants.xml 159.63 KB application/xml

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  • USGS National Research Program



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