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Greater Sage-Grouse Use of Vegetation Treatments


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Members of the WLCI Local Project Development Teams have raised questions about sage-grouse use of past vegetation treatments and which treatment types (such as prescribed burns, mowing, or herbicide applications) best support sage-grouse habitat needs. This study is designed to evaluate (1) greater sage-grouse use of past and current vegetation treatments and (2) how treatment type, design, location, and site-based ecological variation may influence seasonal use and foraging behavior by sage-grouse. Information resulting from this study will be used to develop more effective treatment designs and approaches that support habitat needs for sage-grouse during nesting and brood rearing. Biologists with the BLM and WGFD suggested studying [...]


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  • Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative

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Information derived from USGS Science for WLCI Annual Reports.

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  • Greater Sage-Grouse Use of Vegetation Treatments

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