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Phenology and Dynamics of Root Growth of Three Cool Semi-Desert Shrubs Under Field Conditions


Fernandez, Osvaldo A, and Caldwell, Martyn M, Phenology and Dynamics of Root Growth of Three Cool Semi-Desert Shrubs Under Field Conditions: .


The timing and extent of root growth and development were studied under field conditions in root observation chambers. These chambers were located near small groups of established perennial shrubs. Each of the shrub species, Atriplex confertifolia, Ceratoides lanata, and Artemisia tridentata occur in nearly monospecific stands. The presence of the observation chambers was shown to cause minimal disruption of the soil environment since soil temperatures and water potentials immediately proximate to the observation window were the same as those in the undisturbed soil profile. The season of root growth activity was initiated a few days before active shoot growth in the spring and extended for several months after the termination of shoot [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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