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A nonparametric stochastic approach for multisite disaggregation of annual to daily streamflow


James R Prairie, Kenneth Nowak, Upmanu Lall, and Balaji Rajagopalan, A nonparametric stochastic approach for multisite disaggregation of annual to daily streamflow: .


Streamflow disaggregation techniques are used to distribute a single aggregate flow value to multiple sites in both space and time while preserving distributional statistics (i.e., mean, variance, skewness, and maximum and minimum values) from observed data. A number of techniques exist for accomplishing this task through a variety of parametric and nonparametric approaches. However, most of these methods do not perform well for disaggregation to daily time scales. This is generally due to a mismatch between the parametric distributions appropriate for daily flows versus monthly or annual flows, the high dimension of the disaggregation problem, compounded uncertainty in parameter estimation for multistage approaches, and the inability [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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