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The changing solar ultraviolet climate and the ecological consequences for higher plants


Caldwell, Martyn M, Teramura, Alan H, and Tevini, Manfred, The changing solar ultraviolet climate and the ecological consequences for higher plants: .


There is compelling evidence that a general erosion of the global ozone layer is occurring. Since ozone in the stratosphere absorbs much of the shortwave solar ultraviolet radiation (UV-B), diminished ozone means that more UV-B of a very specific wavelength composition will be received at the earth's surface. Evaluating the implications for vegetation involves consideration of the wavelength specificity of biological photochemical reactions and their sensitivity to the extant and future solar spectrum. Recent research suggests the occurrence of direct damaging reactions and of indirect morphological and chemical responses with implications at the community and ecosystem levels. Published in Trends in Ecology & Evolution, volume 4, [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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