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Whooping cranes (Grus americana) of the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population migrate twice each year through the Great Plains in North America. Recovery activities for this endangered species include providing adequate places to stop and rest during migration, which are generally referred to as stopover sites. To assist in recovery efforts, initial estimates of stopover site use intensity are presented, which provide opportunity to identify areas across the migration range used more intensively by whooping cranes. We used location data acquired from 58 unique individuals fitted with platform transmitting terminals that collected global position system locations. Radio-tagged birds provided 2,158 stopover sites over 10...
Forest- Data collected once using GIS prior to fish sampling. Our approach was to focus the study on smaller, headwater catchments because larger streams drained areas containing both hemlock and mixed hardwood forest, making forest-specific comparison intractable. In addition, most of these larger watersheds were impacted by humans (e.g., impoundments, agriculture, quarries) that could confound our assessment of the influence of hemlock. Even after limiting the study to headwater catchments, other possible confounding factors remained; we controlled for landscape variability (i.e., terrain and stream size) through the sampling design and we excluded others (i.e., minimum catchment area,beaver activity) through...
Raw data were collected in Shenandoah National Park during summer 2012. Air and temperature data were collected using temperature loggers at several stations throughout the park. These data were used in the publication of the manuscript "Accounting for groundwater influence on headwater stream thermal sensitivity to climate change" through the journal Ecological Applications. Water temperature data were collected at all 78 reach locations during the summer of 2012 (23 June–7 September). Temperature was measured every hour with a logger.
The Yukon North Slope is an arctic “hot spot” of climate change-induced effects with profound significance for the Inuvialuit and the larger region. In 1984, the Inuvialuit entered into a land claim agreement – the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) – with the governments of Canada, Yukon and Northwest Territories. A co-management body formed to make a plan, which was developed in 2003 but never ratified and is now considered out-of-date. Round River Conservation Studies is assisting WMAC(NS) in the collection, development and synthesis of spatial data, models and analyses of cultural and ecological values of the YNS.The project is a collaboration among the NWB LCC, Round River Conservation Studies, and the Arctic...
This raster represents a continuous surface of sage-grouse habitat suitability index (HSI,created using ArcGIS 10.2.2) values for Nevada during the breeding season.
This layer depicts the status, or degree of disturbance, to plant communities on the main Hawaiian Islands. To more precisely identify areas where native species may presently be found, a map was generated that considers the following three categories of habitat quality: High, areas dominated by native vegetation; Medium, areas dominated by nonnative vegetation; and Low, highly modified landscapes. The primary source for mapping these three categories is the HIGAP land-cover classification (Gon, 2006). The High category includes all HIGAP land-cover classes that are considered to be either native dominated or mixed native and nonnative in order to represent those areas that have substantial native-species composition....
Within the time frame of the longevity of tree species, climate change will change faster than the ability of natural tree migration. Migration lags may result in reduced productivity and reduced diversity in forests under current management and climate change. We evaluated the efficacy of planting climate-suitable tree species (CSP), those tree species with current or historic distributions immediately south of a focal landscape, to maintain or increase aboveground biomass, productivity, and species and functional diversity. We modeled forest change with the LANDIS-II forest simulation model for 100 years (2000–2100) at a 2-ha cell resolution and five-year time steps within two landscapes in the Great Lakes region...
The Williston Basin, located in the NorthernGreat Plains, is experiencing rapid energy developmentwith North Dakota and Montana being the epicenter ofcurrent and projected development in the USA. Theaverage single-bore well pad is 5 acres with an estimated58,485 wells in North Dakota alone. This landscapeleveldisturbance may provide a pathway for the establishmentof non-native plants. To evaluate potentialinfluences of energy development on the presence andabundance of non-native species, vegetation surveyswere conducted at 30 oil well sites (14 ten-year-oldand 16 five-year-old wells) and 14 control sites in nativeprairie environments across the Williston Basin. Nonnativespecies richness and cover were recorded...
The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of the north-central U.S. and south-central Canada contains millions of small prairie wetlands that provide critical habitat to many migrating and breeding waterbirds. Due to their small size and the relatively dry climate of the region, these wetlands are considered at high risk for negative climate change effects as temperatures increase. To estimate the potential impacts of climate change on breeding waterbirds, we predicted current and future distributions of species common in the PPR using species distribution models (SDMs). We created regional-scale SDMs for the U.S. PPR using Breeding Bird Survey occurrence records for 1971–2011 and wetland, upland, and climate variables....
Full life-cycle vulnerability assessments are identifying the effects of climate change on nongame migratory birds that are of conservation concern and breed in the upper Midwest and Great Lakes region. Full life-cycle analyses are critical, as current efforts likely underestimate the vulnerability of migratory land birds due to a focus on assessing only one component of the annual cycle. The approach provides a framework for integrating exposure to climate changes, sensitivity to these changes, and the potential for adaptation in both winter and summer seasons, and accounts for carry-over effects from one season to another. The results of this work will inform regional management by highlighting both local and...
NOTE: This download link includes Fish Regions, Freshwater Ecoregions, and Freshwater Resilience. Freshwater ecoregions provide a global biogeographic regionalization of the Earth's freshwater biodiversity. These units are distinguished by patterns of native fish distribution resulting from large-scale geoclimatic processes and evolutionary history. The freshwater ecoregion boundaries generally, though not always, correspond with those of watersheds. Within individual ecoregions there will be turnover of species, such as when moving up or down a river system, but taken as a whole an ecoregion will typically have a distinct evolutionary history and/or suite of ecological processes (Abell et al. 2008). The WWF defined...
Resilient stream systems are those that will support a full spectrum of biodiversity and maintain their functional integrity even as species compositions and hydrologic properties change in response to shifts in ambient conditions due to climate change. We examined all connected stream networks in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic for seven characteristics correlated with resilience. These included four physical properties (network length, number of size classes, number of gradients classes and number of temperature classes), and three condition characteristics (risk of hydrologic alterations, natural cover in the floodplain, and amount of impervious surface in the watershed). A network was defined as a continuous...
The main objective of this project was to develop a dataset of large, anthropogenic barriers that are spatially linked to the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) for the conterminous U.S. and the high resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) for Alaska (1:63,000 scale) and Hawaii (1:24,000 scale) to facilitate GIS analyses based on the NHDPlusV1/NHD and NID datasets. To meet this objective, Michigan State University conducted a spatial linkage of the point dataset of the 2009 National Inventory of Dams (NID) created by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to the NHDPlusV1/NHD. The pool of dam data included were modified based on 1) dam removals that occurred after development of the...
The Rainwater Basin (RWB) wetland complex in south-central Nebraska provides crucial stopover habitat for over 7 million waterfowl and 500,000 shorebirds every spring. However, only 10% of the original RWB wetlands remain, resulting in less available habitat for wetland-dependent birds. Conservation efforts are being employed to alleviate the loss of RWB wetlands. To aid conservation efforts, we created a vegetation map of all historical RWB wetlands based on 2004 imagery. The shapefile maps the 2004 vegetation communities for all historic wetlands in the Rainwater Basin region of Nebraska, USA. Vegetation communities include cropped areas that rarely pond water, cropped areas that often pond water, bare soil...
Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) have a life-history strategy specifically adapted to the extreme climate of the North. These fish migrate to spawning grounds just after breakup in the spring, then migrate to feeding sites in early summer, and finally in the fall migrate back to their overwintering sites. The Kuparuk River is a perennial stream originating in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range on the North Slope of Alaska. Sections of the Kuparuk are periodically intermittent in that, during low flows in the system, these channel reaches appear dry. The flow varies between surface and subsurface in this permafrost-dominated environment, with subsurface flow being limited to the unfrozen thaw bulb around...
Final Report - Executive Summary: This final project report is prepared to summarize the research project titled “Assessing evapotranspiration rate changes for proposed restoration of the forested uplands of the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC)” for the Desert LCC of the Bureau of Reclamation as a requirement for closing out the project. This report includes the scope of work, summary of research project, results, and conclusions.Among all of the components of the terrestrial water cycle, evapotranspiration (ET) consumes the largest amount of water. Accurate estimation of ET is very important to understand the influence of ET to the hydrologic response of recharge and runoff processes in the water...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, All tags...
The data set includes delineation of sampling strata for the six study reaches of the UMRR Program’s LTRM element. Separate strata coverages exist for each of the three monitoring components (fish, vegetation, and water quality) to meet the differing sampling needs among components. Generally, the sampling strata consist of main channel, side channel, backwater, and impounded areas. The fish component further delineates a “shoreline” portion of the strata to be used for sampling gears deployed only along the shoreline. The data are raster in origin, with the center of each pixel representing the sampling location. Cell size is typically 50 meters, although several water quality strata are at 200 meter cell size.
This data set was created to facilitate the BLM Greater Sage-Grouse Land Use Planning Strategy in the Utah Sub-Region. This data was developed and addressed, and used during preparation of an environmental impact statement to consider amendments to 14 BLM land use plans throughout the State of Utah, as well as 6 Forest Service land use plans. This planning process was initiated through issuance of a Notice of Intent published on December 6, 2011. This dataset is associated with the Final Environmental Impact Statement, released to the public via a Notice of Availability on May 29, 2015. The purpose of the planning process is to address protection of greater sage-grouse, in partial response to a March 2010 decision...
The Neversweat Prospect (MMK-092) is located on the right bank of Eldorado Creek, a tributary of Moose Creek. The site is a landscape of the Kantishna Historic Mining District (KHMD). The KHMD is within the boundaries of Denali National Park and Preserve, at the end of the 92 mile Park Road near Wonder Lake. The Neversweat Prospect is a 4.3 acre historic site and contains a small collection of historic buildings and structures, small scale features and landscape features associated with lode mining. The extant features consist of one building (cabin), and 15 structures (three collapsed adits, one partially collapsed adit, one partially collapsed outhouse, a historic road, a historic trail, six rock retaining walls)....

map background search result map search result map Freshwater Resilience, All Streams, Stratified by Fish Region and Freshwater Ecoregion, Northeast U.S. Hawaii Habitat Quality (HI_HabQual) Freshwater Ecoregions, Northeast UMRGLR JV - Wetland Breeding Bird Habitat Priorities 2012 Air and Temperature Data from Shenandoah National Park Fish Population and Hemlock data in Delware Water Gap LTRM Water Quality Sampling Strata National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset (NABD) 2012 Spring Season Habitat Suitability Index raster dataset BLM UT Preliminary Disturbance Inventory Polygon Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Vegetation Map 2004 Neversweat Prospect: Cultural Landscape Inventory, Denali National Park, National Park Service Report and Publications: Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Publication: A blind spot in climate change Publication: Measuring and managing resistance and resilience under climate change in northern Great Lake forests Vulnerability of Breeding Waterbirds to Climate Change in the Prairie Pothole Region Linking North Slope of Alaska climate, hydrology, and fish migration Presence and abundance of non-native plant species associated with recent energy development in the Williston Basin Yukon North Slope Wildlife Management Plan 2012 Air and Temperature Data from Shenandoah National Park Linking North Slope of Alaska climate, hydrology, and fish migration Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Vegetation Map 2004 Neversweat Prospect: Cultural Landscape Inventory, Denali National Park, National Park Service Hawaii Habitat Quality (HI_HabQual) BLM UT Preliminary Disturbance Inventory Polygon LTRM Water Quality Sampling Strata Yukon North Slope Wildlife Management Plan Report and Publications: Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Spring Season Habitat Suitability Index raster dataset Presence and abundance of non-native plant species associated with recent energy development in the Williston Basin Publication: Measuring and managing resistance and resilience under climate change in northern Great Lake forests UMRGLR JV - Wetland Breeding Bird Habitat Priorities Vulnerability of Breeding Waterbirds to Climate Change in the Prairie Pothole Region Freshwater Resilience, All Streams, Stratified by Fish Region and Freshwater Ecoregion, Northeast U.S. Publication: A blind spot in climate change Freshwater Ecoregions, Northeast National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset (NABD) 2012