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Jason T Sherba

Global land-use/land-cover (LULC) change projections and historical datasets are typically available at coarse grid resolutions and are often incompatible with modeling applications at local to regional scales. The difficulty of downscaling and reapportioning global gridded LULC change projections to regional boundaries is a barrier to the use of these datasets in a state-and-transition simulation model (STSM) framework. Here we compare three downscaling techniques to transform gridded LULC transitions into spatial scales and thematic LULC classes appropriate for use in a regional STSM. For each downscaling approach, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) LULC...
The Biologic Carbon Sequestration Assessment Program (LandCarbon) is designed to support the following goals: Assess the current and potential carbon balance (stocks and fluxes) in major terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems Evaluate the effects of both natural and anthropogenic driving forces on ecosystem carbon balance and greenhouse gas fluxes Develop carbon monitoring methods and capabilities Conduct research and provide science support for increasing carbon sequestration in land management policies and practices The LandCarbon Community serves as a content management system for the LandCarbon Data Portal. This Data Portal is an effort to catalog and provide access to data and information from a range of LandCarbon...
The Grand Canyon geologic field photograph collection contains 1,211 geotagged photographs collected during 43 years of geologic mapping from 1967 to 2010. The photographs document some key geologic features, structures, and rock unit relations that were used to compile nine geologic maps of the Grand Canyon region published at 1:100,000 scale, and many more maps published at 1:24,000 scale. Metadata for each photograph include description, date captured, coordinates, and a keyword system that places each photograph in one or more of the following categories: arches and windows, breccia pipes and collapse structures, faults and folds, igneous rocks, landslides and rockfalls, metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks,...
Land-use researchers need the ability to rapidly compare multiple land-use scenarios over a range of spatial and temporal scales, and to visualize spatial and nonspatial data; however, land-use datasets are often distributed in the form of large tabular files and spatial files. These formats are not ideal for the way land-use researchers interact with and share these datasets. The size of these land-use datasets can quickly balloon in size. For example, land-use simulations for the Pacific Northwest, at 1-kilometer resolution, across 20 Monte Carlo realizations, can produce over 17,000 tabular and spatial outputs. A more robust management strategy is to store scenario-based, land-use datasets within a generalized...
This research focuses on understanding the rates, causes, and consequences of land change across a range of geographic and temporal scales. Our emphasis is on developing alternative future projections and quantifying the impact on environmental systems, in particular, the role of land-use change on ecosystem carbon dynamics. This project supports the development of the Land-use and Carbon Scenario Simulator (LUCAS) model. LUCAS tracks changes in land use, land cover, land management, and disturbance, and their impacts on ecosystem carbon storage and flux by combining: A State-and-Transition Simulation Model (STSM) to simulate changes in land-use across a range of geographic scales. A Stock and Flow Model to track...
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