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Paul C Hackley

Research Geologist

Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center

Office Phone: 703-648-6458
Fax: 703-648-6419
ORCID: 0000-0002-5957-2551

John W Powell FB
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston , VA 20192-0002

Supervisor: Evan A Bargnesi
To test if reflectance increases to sedimentary organic matter (vitrinite) caused by broad ion beam (BIB) milling were related to molecular aromatization and condensation, we used Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies to evaluate potential compositional changes in the same vitrinite locations pre- and post-BIB milling. The same locations also were examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) to determine topographic changes caused by BIB milling (as expressed by the areal root-mean-square roughness parameter Rq). Samples consisted of four medium volatile bituminous coals. We used a non-aggressive BIB milling approach with conditions of [(5 min, 4 keV, 15°incline, 360° rotation at 25 rpm and 100%...
Solid organic matter (OM) in sedimentary rocks produces petroleum and solid bitumen when it undergoes thermal maturation. The solid OM is a 'geomacromolecule', usually representing a mixture of various organisms with distinct biogenic origins, and can have high heterogeneity in composition. Programmed pyrolysis is a common conventional method to reveal bulk geochemical characteristics of the dominant OM while detailed organic petrography is required to reveal information about the biogenic origin of contributing macerals. Despite advantages of programmed pyrolysis, it cannot provide information about the heterogeneity of chemical compositions present in the individual OM types. Therefore, other analytical techniques...
Geological models for petroleum generation suggest thermal conversion of oil-prone sedimentary organic matter in the presence of water promotes increased liquid saturate yield, whereas absence of water causes formation of an aromatic, cross-linked solid bitumen residue. To test the influence of exchangeable hydrogen from water, organic-rich (22 wt.% total organic carbon, TOC) mudrock samples from the Eocene lacustrine Green River Mahogany zone oil shale were pyrolyzed under hydrous and anhydrous conditions at temperatures between 300 and 370°C for 72 hrs. Petrographic approaches including optical microscopy, reflectance, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy, supplemented...
This data release contains reflectance measurements for eight samples submitted to the USGS Organic Petrology Laboratory in Reston. Samples include two artificial rock samples made from cement with organic matter added (samples 001-002), a coal and shale sample (samples 003-004, respectively), and hydrous pyrolysis residues for samples 001-004. The hydrous pyrolysis experiments were conducted at 330°C for 72 hours at the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Denver Federal Center. Samples were mounted into 1-inch circular briquettes in USGS-Reston according to ASTM D2797 for organic petrographic analysis. Cement plugs (samples 001-002, and pyrolysis residues 005-006) were crushed to approximately 1 mm top-size...
This study presents Raman spectroscopic data paired with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess solid bitumen composition and porosity development as a function of solid bitumen texture and association with minerals. A series of hydrous pyrolysis experiments (1-103 days, 300-370°C) using a low maturity (0.25% solid bitumen reflectance, BRo), high total organic carbon [(TOC), 14.0 wt. %] New Albany Shale sample as the starting material yielded pyrolysis residues designed to evaluate the evolution of TOC, solid bitumen aromaticity, and organic porosity development with increasing temperature and heating duration. Solid bitumen was analyzed by Raman spectroscopy wherein point data was collected from accumulations...
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