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Watershed control of hydrologic sources and thermal conditions in SW Alaska streams: a framework for forecasting effects of changing climate : 4 Associated Items

Association between geomorphic attributes of watersheds, water temperature, and salmon spawn timing in Alaskan streams  product of  Watershed control of hydrologic sources and thermal conditions in SW Alaska streams: a framework for forecasting effects of changing climate
Riding the crimson tide: mobile terrestrial consumers track phenological variation in spawning of an anadromous fish  product of  Watershed control of hydrologic sources and thermal conditions in SW Alaska streams: a framework for forecasting effects of changing climate
Watershed geomorphology and snowmelt control stream thermal sensitivity to air temperature.  product of  Watershed control of hydrologic sources and thermal conditions in SW Alaska streams: a framework for forecasting effects of changing climate
Watershed Control of Hydrologic Sources and Thermal Conditions in SW Alaska Streams: A Framework for Forecasting Effects of Changing Climate  product of  Watershed control of hydrologic sources and thermal conditions in SW Alaska streams: a framework for forecasting effects of changing climate

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