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Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations 1958-2018: Reference. (ver. 3.0, April 2019)


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U.S. Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center, 2019, Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations 1958-2018: Reference. (ver. 3.0, April 2019): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The RVCAT database contains data that have been collected on various vessel operations on the Great Lakes and select connecting waterways. This section of Reference Tables specifically handles repetitive or standardized information that is called upon in the main tables of the RVCAT database. Reference tables are used in database design in order to standardize often used values and to make the data file efficient. All of the terms defined in the reference tables have been determined by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and it’s partners. Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being undertaken after the [...]


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Original FGDC Metadata

106.98 KB application/fgdc+xml
ReferenceTables_to_MainTables_FullDatabase.pdf 81.23 KB application/pdf
FLOW_TYPE_DATA_TABLE.csv 110 Bytes text/csv
TargetCode_Descriptions_v2.pdf 2.26 MB application/pdf
PORT_DATA_TABLE.csv 10.78 KB text/csv
SAMPLE_TYPE_DATA_TABLE.csv 4.12 KB text/csv
SCOPE_DATA_TABLE.csv 3.58 KB text/csv
SPECIES_DATA_TABLE.csv 18.57 KB text/csv
SPECIES_REF_DATA_TABLE.csv 193.57 KB text/csv
SUBSAMPLE_DATA_TABLE.csv 6.73 KB text/csv
TARGET_DATA_TABLE.csv 6.99 KB text/csv
TR_DESIGN_DATA_TABLE.csv 2.92 KB text/csv
TR_DOOR_DATA_TABLE.csv 1.14 KB text/csv
TYPE_SET_DATA_TABLE.csv 1.04 KB text/csv
VESSEL_DATA_TABLE.csv 4.52 KB text/csv
FIN_CLIP_DATA_TABLE.csv 1.91 KB text/csv
FOOD_DATA_TABLE.csv 15.03 KB text/csv
LIFE_STAGE_DATA_TABLE.csv 5.72 KB text/csv
LOCATION_DATA_TABLE.csv 129.8 KB text/csv
MESH_SIZE_DATA_TABLE.csv 1.63 KB text/csv
AGE_STRUCT_DATA_TABLE.csv 293 Bytes text/csv
BOTTOM_DATA_TABLE.csv 544 Bytes text/csv
DEPTH_UNITS_DATA_TABLE.csv 67 Bytes text/csv
DIRECTION_DATA_TABLE.csv 262 Bytes text/csv
DIST_UNITS_DATA_TABLE.csv 79 Bytes text/csv
MATURITY_DATA_TABLE.csv 622 Bytes text/csv
MEAS_DESC_DATA_TABLE.csv 321 Bytes text/csv
MY_DESIGN_DATA_TABLE.csv 126 Bytes text/csv
NET_DIAMETER_M_DATA_TABLE.csv 28 Bytes text/csv
NET_MATERIAL_DATA_TABLE.csv 141 Bytes text/csv
PANEL_DATA_TABLE.csv 68 Bytes text/csv
PRESERVATIVE_DATA_TABLE.csv 80 Bytes text/csv
SEA_CONDITION_DATA_TABLE.csv 166 Bytes text/csv
SEX_DATA_TABLE.csv 123 Bytes text/csv
SPEED_UNIT_DATA_TABLE.csv 85 Bytes text/csv
STATE_DATA_TABLE.csv 765 Bytes text/csv
STOMACH_DATA_TABLE.csv 457 Bytes text/csv
STRATUM_DATA_TABLE.csv 235 Bytes text/csv
TEMP_METHOD_DATA_TABLE.csv 866 Bytes text/csv
WEATHER_DATA_TABLE.csv 486 Bytes text/csv
ZP_LIFE_STAGE_DATA_TABLE.csv 300 Bytes text/csv
ZP_UNITS_DATA_TABLE.csv 41 Bytes text/csv


These data were collected and used in connection with numerous research projects, reports to various organizations on Great Lakes' ecosystem health, and for longitudinal data about environmental conditions and species inhabiting the Great Lakes.

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