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Proposal for Identifying potential threats to the Manitou Cave Snail (Antroribus breweri) through recharge area delineation using groundwater tracing


The Manitou Cave Snail (Antroribus breweri) is a monotypic, freshwater snail species that appeared in the Center for Biological Diversity’s 2010 petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The species is endemic to only Manitou Cave in northern Alabama near the city of Fort Payne. When a species is petitioned to be federally listed one of the first items to be examined is to identify what current and potential threats exist for the population. In many cases, especially with regards to aquatic species, these threats are identified based on the topographic drainage area where the critical habitat is located, identifying land uses which might be detrimental, and then working to mitigate or reduce those threats. In karst landscapes, [...]

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QR-BVMiller _Manitou Cave 2018.pdf 237.92 KB application/pdf


  • USGS/FWS Science Support Partnership Program



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  • 19-R4-04

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Choose ARD or EcoteamFish and Aquatic Conservation
Project TypeQR
Notes, CommentsWork will pertain to identifying potential threats to a southeastern endemic aquatic cave snail, Antroribus breweri, by delineating a recharge area for the critical habitat.

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