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Dataset of trace dissolved hydrocarbons in surface water and groundwater in North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia between 2014 and 2017


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Haase, K.B., Kozar, M.D., Mcadoo, M.A., Casile, G.C., Steffy, L., Risser, D.W., Heilweil, V.M., and Mumford, A.C., 2018, Dataset of trace dissolved hydrocarbons in surface water and groundwater in North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia between 2014 and 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains measurements of dissolved hydrocarbons in various water sources, as well as ancillary raw calibration data showing the stability of the gas chromatograph with an atomic emission detector and flame ionization detector (GC-AED-FID) analytical system over time. Across multiple studies, samples from tap water, groundwater, surface water, springs, mine outflows, and blank materials were analyzed using this system over a period from 2014 to 2017, comprising 172 samples analyzed. In addition to water samples, 183 calibrations conducted over the same period of time are included to document the stability of the GC-AED-FID system over time. The target analytes in this study were: methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), ethene (C2H4), [...]


Attached Files

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20180515 Trace Hydrocarbons in Water.csv
“Dissolved Concentrations in Water”
77.44 KB text/csv
20180515 AED Hydrocarbon Cals.csv
“Calibration Results”
87.56 KB text/csv


These measurements were made using a purge-and-trap GC-AED-FID system with sensitivities to hydrocarbon concentrations ranging from picomole/kilogram to micromole/kilogram, allowing for quantification of trace hydrocarbons at levels from below air-water equilibrium to the natural gas saturation. These measurements were made as part of a survey of the trace concentrations of these compounds in natural waters, with the end goal of determining new applications as source and transformation tracers.


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  • USGS Data Release Products



Data collected as part of field studies investigating the sources, concentrations, and fate of trace level hydrocarbons in water, and uploaded to ScienceBase by the investigators.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9RDPWXO

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