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Bayesian network model outputs of the probability of habitat availability per winter month for young of year Gulf Sturgeon at a 30-m pixel scale in Apalachicola Bay, FL for 35 physiological and habitat scenarios


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Cronin, J.P., Dale, L.L., Brink, V.L., Tirpak, B.E., and Tirpak, J.M., 2021, Data for Gulf Sturgeon Bayesian Network Model: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This USGS data release represents 35 geospatial datasets that were the Gulf Sturgeon Bayesian network model's outputs. The Gulf Sturgeon is a federally listed, anadromous species, inhabiting Gulf Coast rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters from Louisiana to Florida. The U.S. Geological Survey partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, University of Georgia, and their conservation partners to support adaptive management of Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) by developing a quantitative, spatial model. The model is a Bayesian network that predicts the probability of habitat availability (days) per winter month for age-0 Gulf Sturgeon at a 30-m pixel scale in estuarine critical habitat. [...]


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This data shows the predicted probability of habitat availability (days) for 35 alternative physiological and habitat scenarios, which were the unique combination of river discharge, winter month, and month of arrival to the estuary. Of the 75 possible acceptable water condition scenarios, geospatial datasets could not be created for 28 scenarios due to missing data and 12 scenarios were excluded due to incongruous regression results. The model outputs include the expected value and the standard deviation of the expected value for the remaining 35 scenarios.



  • Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal



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